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Filme negativo colorido SantaColor 100
O filme é um negativo a cores de grão fino compatível com o processo C41, produzindo resultados com vermelhos intensos e verdes exuberantes. É mais saturado que a série Kodak Portra, mas menos saturado e com uma curva de contraste mais longa que o Kodak Ektar 100.


O filme também é compatível com o processo de impressão RA4 quando um filtro de cor adicional é usado, aproximadamente equivalente à base laranja de outros filmes negativos a cor. O filme é flexível e pode ser empurrado para 800 ISO com apenas uma pequena perda de precisão de cor e um pequeno aumento de grão. Filmado em 400 ISO e com +2 stops na revelação, o filme exibe cores precisas e uma aparência quase sem grão, normalmente associada a filmes como Kodak Ektar 100 ou Kodak Portra 160.

Santacolor 100 Rolo a Cores - 36 exp

SKU: net6429810609243
14,86 € Preço normal
11,37 €Preço promocional
    • Film type: Colour negative, air surveillance derived

    • Film speed: 100 ISO

    • Colours: Highly colour accurate with slightly increased red sensitivity. When scanned, typically on the warmer side and sometimes on the redder side. 

    • Grain: Very fine, but made to create very sharp pictures as it is an air surveillance film

    • Exposure latitude: Wide, with acceptable results from 25 ISO to 800 ISO (with pulling and pushing)

    • Manufacturing: Freshly made in 2022, in the USA and hand spooled in Finland

    • DX coding: No, but most cameras with DX readers default to ISO 100 - the film is therefore totally useable in Point and shoot cameras.

    Processing and scanning:

    • Process: Normal C41, can also be cross processed in E6 for relatively nice positives (exposed at 100 ISO)

    • Compatible with Minilabs and other industrial processing: Yes

    • Base: Mostly clear, slightly orange base. Not directly compatible with the RA4 process

      • Due to the thinner, clearer base, we recommend you load the film indoors, and definitely not in direct sunlight as this might lead to light leaks on the first frames

    • Scanning: Due to the clearer base, some scanners are confused by the film and give a very red image. This is easily correct when home scanning or when done by a good lab.

    • RA4 Printing: The clear film base requires an additional filter to be compatible with the RA4 process. The easiest way of doing this is to process a strip of unexposed C41 colour negative film and use that as an additional filter to yield normal printing results.

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